Halloween season
I am amazed at how poorly I’ve maintained this blog.
Nonetheless, here I am, dusting the spiderwebs off and typing away once again. Not an excuse, but I’ve been pretty busy. Since I last wrote something here I moved, penciled+inked+colored a four issue HACK/SLASH VS CROW mini, and started an epic project that will probably ruin me. I’ll tell you more about that later.
And I have yet to start shopping EDGEBRIGHT & LEOFWYN around, probably my biggest folly. I’ll get it out there, hopefully before my passion for it wains. JUST KIDDING, it NEVER WILL. I love those two and hope to get another leg of their adventure told soon.
This Friday (Sept. 27) the SHUDDER network will be releasing the CREEPSHOW TV SERIES, and I’m very proud to say I did a little work on it, on (I believe) 4 different episodes. So if you’re into horror and have SHUDDER, tune in and see if you can spot some of my art peppered around in there.
Sadly, I won’t be attending NYCC this year so I’ll save you the trouble of looking for me, just wasn’t in the cards.
I will be at NWI Comicon in February as well as C2E2, so hopefully my hermit ass will have more on that before the days come and go. Jury’s still out on Emerald City.
Also, I’ve been slacking on my Big Cartel page but rectified that - for a brief while it will be only prints but there are plenty to choose from. As I said, I moved recently and still need to figure out all my originals and what to do with them.
Okay. Well, hope to talk to you again sooner than later!